


Close on the heels of Tuesday night's fracas in which seven students were arrested by Cambridge police, a statement was issued by Dean Hanford yesterday sharply warning undergraduates of the dire consequences of participating in "public disturbances" and threatening the severance of a student's connections with the University.

The statement, a repetition of that made by the administrative board after the great riot of the spring of 1937, is also identical with the one published after the American Legion parade episode of October, 1938.

"Connections Severed"

The full statement runs as follows: "Disturbances in the streets or in other public places as well as on University property become of great annoyance to the public and to the police and are likely to lead to serious consequences. A student who is guilty of an offence against law and order at the time of a disturbance or who disregards the instructions of a proctor or other University officer at such a time may have his connection with the University severed, and the mere presence of a student in a disturbance may result in disciplinary action."

Hanford also drew attention to the official college regulation that reads: "No student shall refuse to give his name to an officer of the University. A student shall deliver his Bursar's card to an officer of the University on request."


No comment was made as to what action would be taken by the University officials in regard to the seven picked up in the latest riot. It was indicated that a further study would be made of the situation.
