Father Knickerbocker will extend the official 1940 New York greeting, "Hello Folks," to over 2000 Harvard alumni when convene today for the forty-third annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs.
Informality and good cheer will be the spirit of the meeting, although the three days are well studded with intellectual gatherings and stimulants. "Old Dr. Foss's Manual of Etiquette and Deportment," prepared for members of the Hospitality Committee, strikes the key-note with its number one rule "Love your fellow man. He is, after all, a Harvard man."
More than thirty members of the Harvard faculty, headed by President Conant, will be on hand as a link between Widener Library and the Great White Way. Dr. Foss's manual has complete instructions as to how to handle these lofty representatives of Cambridge: "Do not get two professors together in the same crowd. They may sing. Merge all titles into 'Doctor.' Don't keep them up after 2 a.m. They ned time to organize their material for the next day's symposium."
A symposium in the Metropolitan Opera House will be the main attraction of today's events. President Conant will preside, and the speakers will be Harlow Shapley, Director of the Harvard Observatory; Francis T. Spaulding '16, Dean-elect of the School of Education; Wallace B. Donham '98, Dean of the Business School; and Bruce C. Hopper '24, associate professor of Government. Thomas W. Lamont '92, will introduce the speakers.
More Entertainment
After the symposium the old guard will retire to the Harvard Club of New York to be entertained by celebrities of the stage and screen. The manual suggests for occasions like this the rule: "If you're on the wagon, lean . . ."
The highlight of Saturday will be the annual dinner in the Hotel Astor. Governor Leverett P. Saltonstall '14 of Massachusetts, Mayor LaGuardia, and President Conant will speak. The dinner will be preceded by six special luncheons that afternoon at which specific academic problems will be discussed.
"Harvard Day" at the Fair
The program ends with the gala exedus to the Flushing Meadows. The Worlds Fair has officially proclaimed Sunday as "Harvard Day." It is reported that 300 top-hatted batoned "aides" will guide the Crimsonites around the Fair.
The New York committee in charge of the weekend have accurately figured out how the alumni's time will be divided. They have alloted twenty-four hours to sleep; nine and one-half hours will be devoted to "intellectual nourishment" and thirty-eight and one-half hours to playing Freshman again.
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