The Alumni Bulletin today opens a competition extending throughout the first three weeks of next fall for the editorship of "The Undergraduate Week," a feature which appears regularly in the Bulletin, David McCord '21, acting editor of the Bulletin, announced yesterday.
Open to present Sophomores and Juniors, the editor of "The Undergraduate Week" receives a regular salary for the 1200 to 1400-word weekly articles in which he gives a cross section of student life.
The editorial staff of the Bulletin has asked that competitors leave their names and addresses at the Alumni Bulletin offices in the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton Street, where they will receive complete details. Before June 8 they will be expected to submit a full-length sample column in their own style. The Bulletin will then select a small group to compete in the fall and will notify the successful competitors by letter late in the summer.
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