(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld. Only letters under 400 words can be printed because of space limitations.)
To the Editor of the Crimson.
We sincerely hope that the occupants of Dunster, Leverett, and Lowell Houses will support the newly established student food service in the evenings.
The plan was adopted by the Student Council last month with the dual purpose of:
(1) "providing employment for undergraduates trying to help themselves through college" and
(2) "providing a useful service for occupants of college buildings."
The student organization is now under the management of Mr. R.T. Sharpe of the Student Employment Office, who has already appointed a manager and one distributor for each of the three Houses. Sandwiches, milk, Coca-Cola, etc. will be distributed to the students' rooms each evening. If the plan is successful in the Houses where it is being tried at present, it will be extended next year to cover all the Houses and the Yard.
The Student Council Committee: Langdon Marvin, Jr. '41, Charles Bridge '42, H. Whitney Dodge '41, Gerald A. Freed '41, John Frank '41, Alan Jaffee '41, James D. Lightbody, Jr. '40, Loren MacKinney '42, Charles Stearnes '41.
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