In a mass meeting in Kirkland House tonight, its last of the year, the Student Union will sponsor a debate on "Shall America Aid the Allies?" with William Yandell Elliott, professor of Government, taking the affirmative and Harper Poulson of the United Students' Peace Committee arguing the negative.
American Student Union and H.S.U. broadsides distributed yesterday afternoon had announced Clive Knowles of Labor's Non-Partisan League as the speaker for the negative, but a change in plans took place last night when Poulson was selected instead.
"Interventionist Drum-beating"
The meeting, according to the executive committee of the H.S.U., is meant to be a "ringing demonstration for peace," necessitated by the "steadily rising tempo of interventionist drum-beating."
Asking for an immediate expression of peace desires by Harvard students, the Student Union circular pointed to the spread of the war and declared that the President is "now slipping into the groove Wilson followed in 1917." The attached A.S.U. flyer also hit Roosevelt's policy, saying that "America is so close to war that if you listen hard, you can hear the sound of marching feet."
The meeting will be held at 7:30 in the Kirkland Common Room.
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