
Crimson Flotilla Commodore Announces That Expedition Will Leave for Wellesley Shortly

Meeting of Prospective Boatsmen Will Be Held Tomorrow Eight

The CRIMSON Flotilla will up anchor for Wellesley "sometime within the next 96 hours," it was announced officially last night by the Commodore. In addition, it was disclosed that a full meeting of all undergraduates interested in joining the Charles River odyssey will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock in the CRIMSON Building.

The purpose of the gathering will be to acquaint the intrepid trail-blazers-to-be with the hazards of the upstream passage so that the lesser men will be afforded an early opportunity to drop out. The remainder will be addressed by the Flag Officers on the ideal and purpose of the trip: to pioneer a maritime rapprochement between Harvard and Wellesley.

It has been declared that attendance at the meeting is compulsory for all men intending to acompany the flotilla, CRIMSON editors included. The problem of allowing powerboats to follow the expedition will be discussed by the Commodore who, speaking on this subject recently, asserted, "Maybe it's about time a mechanized column penetrated Wellesley."

A cryptic communique issued last night by the Flag Officers stated that, "Plans are maturing. The flotilla will proceed under sealed orders to be given out tomorrow night. No enemy opposition is expected."
