
Tennis Team Falls to Cornell 6 to 3; Squad Lacks Practice

The Crimson Varsity tennis team fell before Cornell, 6 to 3, in a match played on the Divinity Courts. Harvard dropped the first four singles duels after prolonged battles as Burt, Gilkey, Stewart, and Westheimer all fell to defeat.

Lyell and Wynn each won three set engagements to give Harvard two points, and the Burt-Gilkey doubles combination trounced the two men who had beaten them in singles, Randall and Gifford, 6-1, 6-1. But the visitors took the remaining two doubles contests from Lyell and Legg and Stewart and Wilson.

Coach Barnaby's netmen have been unusually slow to round into form this year because of bad weather conditions. They need plenty of competition before the Yale match but should not have too much trouble with the M.I.T. team this afternoon on the Divinity courts.
