
New High Record Is Set by Donors To Harvard Fund

Class of 1925 Leads in Number of Contributors for Third Year In Succession

A total of 10,678 Harvard alumni contributed $107,089 to the Harvard Fund last year establishing a new high record for the number of contributors in any single year to an American college fund organization.

In the report issued by Paul C. Cabot '21 of Boston, chairman of the Fund Council, it was further stated that the Class of 1925 captured first place in he number of contributors last year for he third successive year, with 335 members giving money.

High Percentage Contribute

The Class of 1885 with 72 living members scored a new high record in percentage of contributors, with a large number of memorial gifts bringing the total contributions to 113, or 154 per sent of the living membership.

Since the organization in 1925, the total amount given to the Harvard Fund is $1,820,113. Approximately two-thirds of the living alumni of Harvard College have contributed in this period, a total of 21,665 individuals.
