

To the Editor of the Herald:

An encouragingly increasing number of letters to the Herald, beginning with that of Miss Margaret Jackson, give utterance to the voice that we should have heard clearly at the beginning of the present war. It proclaims that our country cannot be neutral in thought, that its conscience needs no propaganda to tell it the difference between right and wrong, and that it should take its stand squarely on the side of Great Britain and France, who are fighting for a cause essentially our own. We are not enamoured of war for war's sake; we are not anxious to have our young men kill and be killed. But we stand ready to play our part in whatever way is for the best advantage of our allies. . . .

For the moment a dull cloud of misunderstanding hovers over us. But clouds blow away before a clear breeze from the upper skies. If some leader of a political party, some candidate for the presidency, had the courage of Bishop Lawrence to utter plain truths, the cloud would disperse and thousands would leap to his call.

(The letter of Miss Jackson, to which Professor Rand refers, asks: "How is it possible for any citizen of the United States to look clearly and objectively at this country today and not burn with shame at the revolting sight of its neutrality? Neutrality means impartiality and indifference. A United States which has proclaimed to the world in the face of the stupendous conflict between justice and injustice, law and anarchy, reason and brutality, now raging in Europe-- that it prefers to stand neutral, is a United States in which the very spirit of its foundations and its development has rotted away. . . . Do we hesitate because we consider American lives of more value than European? Can we calmly watch a million Europeans die because we will not send a hundred thousand Americans across the Atlantic?")
