
Crimson Stickmen Lose to Indians, Defending Champs

Willard Scores Two in 6-4 Defeat as Zouck, Anderson Tally

In their first defense of the championship of the New England Lacrosse League, the Dartmouth Indians defeated the Crimson ten, 6 to 4, on the Business School field yesterday.

Joe Wilder headed the Big Green scorers by netting five goals with Melanson adding the sixth. Making a point each period the Crimson stickmen were unable to catch up to the four point margin set by Dartmouth in the first quarter. Jess Willard was high scorer of the Witherspoonmen with two tallies to his credit. Pete Zouck and Doug Anderson followed by batting in one apiece.

The team faces M.I.T. at M.I.T. Wednesday.


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