
Bridge Combine Places Third in Intercollegiate Contract Tournament

Radcliffe Team Wins; Noses Out Princeton Duo

Harvard placed third in the National Intercollegiate Contract Bridge Tournament held in New York City last Friday and Saturday as the Radcliffe team swept the country's best to defeat.

Robert F. Thurell '42 and Roger Stokey '42 composed the Crimson partnership which tallied 123 points to Radcliffe's 126 and Princeton's 124 1/2. Princeton was leading the Radcliffe combination in the first round of the tournament, but Mary Ashley and Muriel Goldberg of Radcliffe pulled ahead to win on Saturday.

Other Entries

Also entered were Yale, Sarah Lawrence, Brown, Penn, Columbia, Smith, Cornell, Wellesley and Mount Holyoke who finished in that order.

The first intercollegiate bridge tournament eyer to be held in the United States, it was sponsored by two prominent alumni of each of the schools. They hope to make the event an annual affair.


The tournament was won by the Radcliffe partnership on the last hand played on which they bid and made four spades doubled. This bridge tournament is one of the few fields where college men and women can meet together on an even competitive basis.
