
The Moviegoer

At the U.T.

SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON;--The answer to the prayer of every poor sinner who ever said. "Oh, let's get the hell out of this mess!" is a south sea island. Be it the Napoleonic cra when the book "Swiss Family Robinson" was written or the Hitlerian cra when Hollywood put it on celluloid, the story still holds good. True, it creaks in sports. The more lurid parts of Wyss's work had to be soft-pedaled and even then the final script was bogged down with verbiage as thick as the tropical vegetation. But such vivid scenes as the hurricane, the landing, the building of the tree house are still there. The fascinating escapism of the whole idea carries the picture over the rough spots and lands it safely among the better pictures of the year.

JUDGE HARDY & SON;--Empires may rise and civilizations fall, but homely virtues have almost reached the horrifying proportions of Edgar Guest. But what is even more horrifying is that Judge Hardy pictures in their own peculiar way, are quite appealing, is that Judge Hardy pictures in their own peculiar way, are quite appealing, at times downright good. "Judge Hardy & Son" is one of the passably good ones and one of the more horrifyingly Guestian ones. It just depends on how much folksiness you can stand in order to see a fair-to-middling' picture.
