For the first time in 28 years 5,000 odd New York City alumni will play hosts at this year's meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs, to be held May 17 to 19 in Manhattan.
A series of talks and symposiums on controversial subjects by prominent alumni are scheduled for the "greatest national mobilization since the Tercentenary," which will be capped by a full day devoted exclusively to viewing Grover Whalen's Fair on Sunday, May 19.
Begins May 17
Ladies and non-Harvard men, as well as alumni, are invited to a meeting Friday night in the Metropolitan Opera House, where they will have the opportunity of listening to a symposium on the subject "Did Opportunity Vanish with the Frontier?" Slated to speak are Thomas W. Lamont '92, Dean Donham '98, Harlow Shapley, honorary '33, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy, President Conant '14, Bruce C. Hopper '18, associate professor of Government, and Francis T. Spaulding '17, professor of Education.
"The State of Harvard" will be the subject of brief reports by the President, Treasurer, Deans, and undergraduates in a meeting Saturday morning in Harvard Hall. After this there are planned six group luncheons, to discuss subjects of current interest.
Edward B. Sheldon '08, honorary chairman, and Hendrik Willem Van Loon '06, chairman, will lead a discussion on "Arts and the Letters." Arthur A. Ballantine '06 is chairman of the group which will deal with "Bench, Bar, and Government," and William A. Neilson G '96, President-emeritus of Smith College, does similarly on "Education."
Arthur W. Page '05, Dr. Eugene H. Pool '95, and Dwight P. Robinson '09 are chairmen respectively of the luncheons which will treat "Finance and Industry," "Medicine and Public Health," and "Science and Engineering."
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