Offering nearly 250 courses open to men and to women, the University's Summer School, oldest summer session in the country, will open on July 1 for its seventieth year. Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, will be starting his seventh year as director.
Of the members of the faculty of 173, 56 will come from other colleges than Harvard including 11 full professors. Yale with four and Smith with three representatives top the list. Minnesota, Tufts, Williams, and the University of Texas are each sending two.
Stresses World Problems
The Summer School will stress world problems and current events on its 1940 program more than any other single item. The featured event of the summer will be afternoon lectures on foreign affairs to be given by Max Lerner, of Williams, and H. Duncan Hall, for many years a members of the secretariat of the League of Nations.
These talks were among the most popular items on the Summer School program last year, drawing audiences of 1000 twice a week. Opening with an informal talk by the lecturer, they allow time for questioning on current events from the audience.
Five Special Workshops
A new feature in the field of education will be the cooperative offering by the University and the Progressive Education Association of five special workshops for teachers and school administrators who wish to solve problems of curriculum or presentation.
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