
Poetry Room Shows Authors' Manuscripts and Workbooks

Keats, MacLeish, Spender Have Papers On Exhibition Until Monday

In an exhibit lasting until Monday of authors' worksheets and original manuscripts leaned by the University of Buffalo, the Widener Poetry Room is displaying Stephen Spender's workbook, the manuscript of W. H. Auden's "Crisis," and of Robert Bridges' "Testament of Beauty."

Completing the exhibit from Harvard's own collection are the original drafts of E. A. Robinson's "Merlin," of "The Hamlet of Archibald MacLeish," by MacLeish, and of "The Eve of St. Agnes" and "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer," by Keats.

Widener officials state that since these manuscripts contain the author's original ideas and all his corrections, they enable students of literature to know the author better by following his thought processes. Starting Monday the Poetry Room will contain a display of stained glass.
