
Lowell House Man Joins French Army

Babcock Missing Three Months; Finally Is Revealed to Be in Martinique

After having been missing for three months, Alfred R. Babcock, a Senior who disappeared from his room in Lowell House on January 18, has been located in Martinique, a French Island possession in the West Indies, where he has enlisted in the French army.

E. Alston Blackwell '40, Babcock's roommate, said yesterday that the missing student had sent a telegram to an aunt in Summit, N. J., with the brief message, "Am in army until end of war." The message was sent from Fort de France, Martinique. Presumably Babcock had made his way there in order to enlist under French colors and obtain passage to France.

It is not known whether Babcock took out a passport prior to his mysterious departure from Harvard. Before leaving he handed in his resignation to University officials.

For several weeks previous to his taking leave of Harvard, Babcock had made no secret of his intense sympathy for the French cause.
