Despite the icy blasts the Crimson lacrosse team did a workmanlike job in taking the Springfield ten 16 to 3 last Saturday on the Business School field. Pete Zouck took the scoring honors by netting seven goals, six of which were unassisted, with Buck Anderson following close behind with four tallies to his credit. Coach Witherspoon may well be satisfied that his team showed the balance and experience he expected after its Southern tour.
It took the stickmen five minutes in the first period to get the chill out of their systems before Jess Willard assisted by Anderson batted in the first score to start their steady march to victory. From then on the ball spent most of its time in the Springfield territory while Pete Zouck and Buck Anderson brought the quarter's total a three goals.
Springfield Rallies
The gymnasts came back in the second canto with a burst of power, making it possible for Farrelly to put in their initial counter, to be followed by another from the stick of his teammate, Woodworth, four minutes later. But Zouck's two goals and one apiece for Anderson and B-ill Ierdardi nevertheless increased the Crimson's margin.
The third quarter saw another string of scores as Zouck continued his amazing spree by getting three more. Anderson, Ed Edmunds, Joe Ferris, and August Benedix contributed five goals while Nover put in the only other Springfield tally. The scoring subsided in the last period with only Benedix and Zouck scoring. late in this quarter the gymnasts made a desperate scoring offensive, but owing to a very able job by George Hanford at the nets the last minute drive bore no fruit.
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