

Helen Hall and Nathan Straus To Speak at Initial Session of Confab

Arthur N. Holcombe '06, professor of Government, will introduce the speakers, Helen Hall and Nathan Straus, and lead the discussion at the opening session of the Phillips Brooks House conference on careers in government and community service tonight at 8 o'clock in Paine Hall.

Although Harvard registration at Brooks House does not begin until noon today, more than 175 students have already registered from the twenty other colleges participating in the conference. Those who wish to attend the round tables only will be able to register as late as Saturday morning, Raymond Dennett '36, Graduate Secretary of P. B. H. announced yesterday.

The speakers at the opening session, Helen Hall, director of the Henry Street Settlement in New York City, and Nathan Straus, administrator of the United States Housing Authority, will talk on the place of private and government agencies in community planning.

Round Tables

The round tables will begin at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning in Phillips Brooks House.


Subjects of the round tables and their leaders will be: vocational opportunities in housing, Albert Mayer, Straus, and Coleman Woodbury, director of the National Association of Housing officials; vocations in relief agencies, federal, state, and municipal, John N, Edy, executive director of the FWA, and William Hodson, Commissioner of the Department of Welfare in New York City;

The private urban agency, Roy M. Cushman, executive secretary of the Boston Council of Social Agencies, and Miss Hall; careers in planning, Lawrence M. Orton, Commissioner of the New York Planning Board; careers in state and federal service, A. S. Flemming and Paul J. Kern, President of the New York City Civil Service Commission; the T.V.A., Merle Fainsod, assistant professor of Government, and W. J. McGlothlin of the T.V.A.; women in community service, Eleanor T. Glueck;

Rural community service, Mitchell; crime prevention and recreation, John A. Perkins, Boston Juvenile Court, and W. Duncan Russell, executive secretary of the Boston Community Service; and the elected official, Maurice J. Tobin, Mayor of Boston.
