

Casner, Freund, Fuller, Katz Appointed To Take Positions as Members of Law School Faculty

Four professorships at the Harvard Law School have been filled the University announced today. The new appointments will go to Andrew J. Casner formerly associate professor Law at the University of Illinois. Paul A Freund, lecturer on Law Lon L Fuller visiting professor of Law from Duke University and Milten Katz '27, lecturer on Law.

An authority on the law of property. Casuer came to Harvard in 1939 as a visiting lecturer and is now assistant professor of Law. He was general editor of "Treatise on the Law of Property." and draftsman of the Uniform Property Act approved for adoption by the states in 1938.

Freund, who came to Harvard last fall from the Solicitor General's office in Washington, is a graduate of the Law School, class of 1931. An authority on contracts and jurisprudence Fuller also taught at the Universities of Chicago Washington, North Carolina and Southern California.

Katz came to Harvard last fall from the U. S. Solicitor General's office'
