
Crimson Network Wave Length Is Set at 650 for Monday Night

Dean Chase, Loring Andrews Will Speak on Opening Program At 7 O'Clock

With its wave length set for the opening night at 650 kilocycles, officers of the Crimson Radio Network start today on the final preparations for the first broadeast which takes place on Monday evening at 7 o'clock.

The inaugural program of the University radio station will consist of a two hour broadcast, Lawrence P. Lader '41, program director, announced last nights Later in the week the broadcasts will probably run for three hours an evening.

George H. Chase '96, Dean of the University and head of the University Radio Committee Loring Andrews, program director of the Worldwide Broadcasting Corporation, and William W. Tyng '41. chairman of the Network, will speak at the opening ceremonies of the station Lader announced.

Following their talks will come an hour of classical recordings and a half hour of popular music. The program will include a quarter of an hour of late news.

The wave band was picked as the most convenient since it will conflict the least with outside stations, although it is subject to change if it is found there is too much interference.


Programs For Week

Lader also made public a tentative list of programs for the rest of the week. The quarter hour of news and the music programs will be regular features of the Network, he announced, while an all-request hour of classical music will be presented twice a week.

The Network also plans to present programs of music by the Stradivarius Quartet, the Pierian Sodality, and the Glee Club.
