
Hockey Team Needs Only Few Breaks To Knock Props From Under Bulldogs

Ready to Avenge, Yale Defeat; Eaton, Hulse, Willetts will combine Again

Free from injuries for the first time in several weeks, the Varsity Hockey team leaves for New Haven this morning primed to avenge the 4 to 2 defeat registered by the Elis at the Boston Garden last Saturday night. If the Crimson should win tonight's encounter, it will cross sticks with Yale again in a play off at the Garden Thursday night.

In the New Haven Arena at 8:30 o'clock tonight, the Crimson will have many opportunities for knocking the props from beneath Yale's chances for the Quad League championship, unless the Bulldog hits the ice in a gruffer mood than it did last Saturday.

Results Unpredictible

But a forecast of tonight's game necessarily includes many ifs and buts, for the Crimson would be mincemeat for any a Yale aggregation which was in the best form.

Because of the smaller Yale rink and psychological reasons, the Crimson in past years has done better at New Haven than at the Garden. Clark Hodder reported last night that this week his team has been in its best spirits of the season and it will only take a few breaks and some hard playing for the Crimson to offset the many past disappointments of the season.


The Elis caught Harvard off guard several times last Saturday, and unless the Crimson can give Goalie Ab Fenn more defensive support, it will be out of the running tonight. Throughout the season, slow back-checking and sloppy work behind the blue lines have cost the Crimson innumerable points.

Willetts Back In Second Line

With Prennie Willetts who has recovered from a shoulder injury, at his old wing position, Hodder will once again play his smooth-scoring combination of center Dave Eaton, Stacy Hulse, and Willetts in the second line. Teaming together until they were riddled by injurious several weeks ago, they accounted for most of the Crimson scores, and they should be able to account for at least a few tallies tonight.

Center Warren Winslow, Forbes Perkins, and Skip Ervin will fill their usual berths on the first line, with Bob Cox a possible alternate for Perkins.

Hodder was undecided about his third combine, but it will probably consist of Cox at center, George Duane at right wing, and Bill Claflin or Bob Gorham at left wing, with Dick Noone, who was recently promoted from the Jayvees, as alternate.

Teaming behind the blue line will be Captain Coleman and Sherm Gray, who probably will have to spend much of the tilt on the sidelines because of a game leg, while Greeley Summers, George Dreher, and Emmet Whitlock are alternate defensemen.
