
The Moviegoer

At Loew's State and Orpheum

Telephones clang and people rush through the city-room, the way they always have in the movies, in this latest saga of the newspaper world. But the old-fashioned belly-laugh finds a fruitful haven in "His Girl Friday," with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell carrying off most of the honors. The story, what there is of it, is nothing new; girl reporter divorces the boss and decides to quit for a quiet home life with an insurance salesman. Boss dislikes the idea, and with the help of a real reporter's murder story gets girl back. Salesman goes back to Albany with his mother. Thereby hangs the tale, but the men who have adapted it from the Hecht-Mac Arthur stage play, "Front Page," have made it one of the funniest of the season.

Roz Russell takes the part originally played by Pat O'Brien and has the time of her young life, while the audience is right with her. Her cohort, Grant, drones through the picture in his best Ned Sparks manner, and even excels that master of the art. Perhaps these two over do their parts a bit at the beginning when they reminisce about their late married life, and at the end when battling among a nest of telephones and fast-flying epithets. Yet the well-night perfect script holds up any such points where the movie might sag. Ralph Bellamy is the perfect sucker for the schemes of Grant, and the reporters who are constantly present in the press-room of the jail keep things moving. Fine dramatic relief is provided by the efforts of the condemned murderer and his girl-friend. The purpose of the picture, though, is fun for all, and it achieves that purpose with a bang.
