


A fast game in which the sharpshooting of the two Yale forwards and the height of the guards and center were the decisive factors ended in a 52 to 42 victory for the Elis over the Crimson hoopsters Saturday evening in New Haven.

Close to 1,500 Bulldog rooters watched Johnny Cobb and Bert Ingley sluk 13 and 14 points apiece, most of them by sensational long shots, and saw Chuck Seelbach, Al Stevens, and Tom Erickson bottle up the Crimson attack with a beautiful display of the Blue zone defense.

Harvard Behind Throughout

Although a fast-breaking offense gave the Blue a five point margin in the first four minutes, the Feslermen were still in the game. Late in the first period they rallied to tie the score at 13 all, but Yale responded with a six point burst which left the Crimson staggering.

Again in the second half a Harvard rally brought the score to 31 to 29, and again the Elis forged ahead to take an unbeatable margin.


On the whole the entire team played creditable ball throughout the game although there were no exceptionally bright individual stars. Ed Buckley and Bill Webber put on a show of long range shooting in the second half to rival Cobb and Ingley and garnered 10 and 8 points to lead the quintet.

Yale's fast breaking offense gave the Crimson plenty of trouble all through the first half, but a modified form of the zone defense bottled it up more effectively in the second.
