
Landis Declares Logan Bill Tends To Curb Agencies

Legislation Awaiting Decision of Congress Is Inefficient and Impractical

Describing the Logan Bill which is now awaiting action from both houses of Congress as impractical and inadequate, Dean Landis spoke last night in Langdell Hall on the subject "Crucial Issues in Administrative Law."

At the present time the question of control and coordination of governmental agencies remains confused, and the Logan Bill, according to Dean Landis, only makes the issues more involved. This legislation, which is backed by the American Bar Association, would standardize the procedure in appeals from administrative decrees, and extend judicial review to questions of fact.

Politics Involved

Dean Landis criticized the bill because it has no unifying central idea, because it is a political manoeuvre rather than a practical piece of legislation, and because "I cannot see what principles the project evolves for administrative reform.

"The very problem," he stated, "may not be amenable to the customary procedures of judicial determination and thus to meet the criterion of a full and fair hearing requires the application of others.


"Only of one thing can we be certain, and that is, that to apply the Procrustean formula suggested by the Association's pending proposals is to cut off here a foot and there a head, leaving broken and bleeding the processes of administrative law which still hold so many hopes for a better realization of the eternal promise of American life."
