Four Crimson mermen, headed by Captain Eric Cutler, will compete in the Intercollegiate swimming championship at New Haven tomorrow and Saturday. Cutler is Coach Ulen's main individual hope to break into the scoring, with the Harvard leader slated to do no worse than pick up a second and third for his efforts in the 220 and 440.
Cutler will have his hands full in the 220 tomorrow in a field including Howie Johnson and Rene Chouteau of Yale and Hutchins of Michigan. In the 440 Chouteau will again be on hand, as will Andy Clark of Wayne University. The quarter-mile trails and finals will be run off on Saturday so Cutler will have a busy day of it. He is also swimming on the Harvard 400-yard relay team on Saturday.
Frannie Powers will enter the 220 tomorrow and the relay on Saturday. Jim Curwen is slated to swim in the 220, 100, and the relay, while Lonnie Stowell is in the 100 and the relay. The relay quartet which Coach Ulen is taking should be able to show to good advantage. They are capable of a 3:35 performance, and that would net them a third in the 400-yard event.
The Elis are primed to reverse the dual meet defeat which Michigan handed them early in the year by outscoring the Wolverines in the Nationals this weekend, but the Western conference titlists rate a slight edge. They figure to pile up a long string of fourths and fifths and nose Yale out after a bitter two-day struggle. Michigan was dealt a cruel blow in the loss of Jim Welsh, distance star, but Coach Matt Mann's squad has almost unbelievable balance and strength in the sprints and backstroke.
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