With four topnotch songs and with four outstanding performances headed by the many horse-powered personification of Evelyn Engine by Robert Bacon, Hasty Pudding has really produced some good entertainment for its perspiring spring production. Although the only person who really stopped the show last night was Councilman Sullivan who kept the audience waiting for an hour with his performance the day's happenings anent the Daily Blast, metropolitan newspaper, and the inmates in the Cretin Sanatorium mix well.
The first act of the two-act production drags a bit too much, but it is probably only a question of time until the timing is perfected. The pace in the second act was really breakneck, building up to a good finale. "Who's Who in Your Heart," the best song of the play, was introduced in the first act: music by Pete Rollins and words by Bayard Clark. With proper handling, this song should easily reach high national popularity ratings. The other outstanding Rollins songs were "I Want to Be Investigated," "Un Chico Vico," and "Lonely Moon." Besides Bacon, Franklyn Tyler, Gardner Pierson, and Bayard Clark are especially good in their parts.
Although Assorted Nuts does not have and probably will never have the smooth finish of a Broadway production, the rough edges are the kind that tickle.
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