Lineup changes and manipulations have been in progress down at Briggs Cage during the past week as the Stahlmen prepare for their spring jaunt southward. The most important switch has sent Ed Buckley over 40 second base, making room for convalescing Bill Tully at first.
The rest of this new experimental infield lines up with ex-catcher Bob Fulton on third and Fred Keyes at short. This new arrangement frees Les Pitchford for outfield duty along with Gene Levett, Torbie Macdonald, and Burgey Ayres.
Catching Battle
Bob Regan, Bill Parsons, and Charley Spreyer are still waging a three-cornered battle for the number one backstop post, vacated by Bob Fulton, with the result very much in doubt. The pitching will undoubtedly be good, probably good enough to make up for inexperience in other key positions.
Tom Healey, Lou Clay, Charley Brackett, Jack Schwede, and Burgey Ayres are the main reasons for current optimism concerning the mound staff, and the tough Southern trip should provide plenty of work for them. Northern nines that have no opportunity for outside work until they head southward for vacation trips find keen competition in the collegiate grapefruit circles there.
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