
'Living Quarters' for Ladies Won't Grace Harvard Club

Only Dining, Rest Rooms May Be Built In Boston Branch

Boston's venerable Harvard Club has been blushing lately, and Club members are up in arms over an apparent misrepresentation of fact which has put them in a most uncomplimentary position.

What threw the conservative organization into confusion was an article yesterday in an intown newspaper which grouped the Club's action to establish "living quarters" for women under the same heading of peculiar phenomena as the snow-thunder storm which heralded the coming of spring Wednesday night.

Only Dining Room

Officials want it understood that any "living quarters" which may be provided for ladies at the Commonwealth and Massachusetts Avenue quarters will consist solely of a private downstairs dining room and several rest rooms for the wives of the Alumni.

At the same time they emphasized the fact that such plans are merely contemplated, for no action can be taken until the Club's Board of Governors has expressed either approval or disapproval of the proposal.
