
Wrestlers Slightly Favored in Today's Encounter With Yale

Both Teams Have Strength In Middle Classes; Season Records Not Conclusive

Comparative scores are impossible to overlook in the impending wrestling match with Yale, but at points they are deceiving, especially when the outcome of the Harvard-Columbia meet is figured in. Even so, they point out one thing; and that is that the Crimson team is slightly favored today at 8 o'clock.

Yale has been tied by Penn, beaten Princeton in a close match but practically whitwashed Columbia. Of course, the Harvard team did lose to Columbia, but it had a much more impressive record with the other two teams than the Elis.

Close Matches

The difficulty of prediction, however, lies mainly in the outcome of individual matches. The Blue boys have their strength in very nearly the same weights as the Crimson, and this naturally throws the burden of the match on the secondary wrestlers.

Ted Schoenberg should win. He is really in top notch condition and his wrestling ability seems unlimited at times. Bruce Richardson, should come through, and Bill Daughaday certainly seems to be a winner. If Dick Thomas loses his match, it will only be because of lack of confidence. Jim Latson had a close match at 155 against Pete Illman last year and with Dick Thomas's rapid-fire aggressiveness, he is almost sure to fall by the way.


Jim Redmon, in spite of his trick shoulder is a high class wrestler, but he will have to work hard to come through at 128. Pete Illman is out for blood at 145, and it is really a question of how much he has worked on certain weak points in his wrestling during the past week.

The top weights will probably be tough sledding. Tudor Gardiner's hopes of taking the much touted Larry Pickett seem dim. Tudor is certainly not favored, but he does have one point in his favor and that is an ability to come through with a surprise package. Dick Lewis is due for a tough one at 175 too.

The Freshmen wrestlers will be the underdogs when the grapple with the Yale Cubs this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the same time as the Varsity meet.
