
Indian '43 Hoopsters Best Freshman Quintet by 53-32

Shaw High Scorer of Game; Art Scully Leads Crimson Five

Overwhelmed by the size and speed of the Indian Papooses, the Yardling basketball team lost to the Dartmouth Freshmen yesterday afternoon, 53 to 32.

Bhind from the start, the Crimson five was unable to overcome the height handicap, and they were behind 34 to 15 at the half. The six foot eight Dartmouth center, Shaw, lobbed in 15 points to take the scoring honors.

Art Scully gave Harvard rooters their chief thrills with a second half flurry of baskets that netted him 13 points. Larry Hall was second for the Crimson with six.

Munree, Big Green forward sank 11 points while Wolfe came through with nine.
