
Coppers Uncover Kidnaped Actress In Dorm Bathtub

Trick Seal, Star of Musical Show Disappears From Shubert in Publicity Stunt

Sharkey, star seal of the Rodgers and Hart musical, "Higher and Higher" was back in her pool in the Shubert Theatre last night with a long story of early morning adventures to tell her co-star. It was Jesse F. Cleveland '43 who found the 300-pound seal diving from his washbasin into the bathtub of his Claverly Hall room yesterday morning and called the Cambridge Police and the S. P. C. A. to take the errant home.

It was greed for fish that led her astray, as she followed three undergraduates from her pool in the theatre to their waiting car. Only after talking with the Hollywood press-agent who had instigated the sealnaping, did she realize that this was only a stunt to prove that she had "more sex appeal than Ann Sheridan."

The Law Steps in

Then she tried to get out and walk home, in the middle of Back Bay. However, after she had gone scarcely three blocks, and just before two squad cars of Boston Police arrived on the scene, she was wrapped in a blanket and hustled off.

Having arrived in Cambridge, she stalwartly refused to live in the Winthrop House shower of W. Russell Bowie '41, or in the Lampoon Building. It was only when introduced to the bathtub in Lampoon candidate Cleveland's room that she made herself at home and waited for rescue.
