
Thirty Freshmen Nominated for Jubilee and Smoker Committees


Thirty Freshmen were nominated to run for election to the Jubilee and Smoker Committees by a special meeting last night of Kendric N. Marshall '21, the Union Committee, and two representatives from the Student Council, Langdon P. Marvin, Jr. '41 and Harvey C. Taylor, Jr. '42.

According to new regulations instituted this year, part of the list of candidates was chosen from applications made Monday night. Any freshman may be added to the group of nominees by presenting a petition signed by 25 classmates within the next four days.

After the elections, Mr. Marshall and the same group will appoint several others, including the chairmen of the two committees. The folowing Freshmen were chosen to appear on the ballot:

Robert G. Axtell, John C. Bullard, Donald H. Eldredge, Jr., Maurice S. Friedman, Howard A. Fromson, Thomas R. Goethals, Jr., David D. Goldthwaite, J. Michael Harrington, Jr.

Arthur S. Harris, Richard Harte, Jr., Henry R. Heyburn, Jack H. James, Donald C. Johnson, Maxwell Kaufer, Nathaniel P. Lauriat, W. Gordon Lyle.


Thomas Matters, Donald E. McNicol, Maynard M. Miller, John W. Morgan, Howard T. Oedell, George E. Putnam, Jr., John Richardson, Jr.

Charles G. Rodman, Peter B. Saltonstall, John E. Sawhill, Jr., Paul C. Sheeline, Richard L. Weinberg, Sidney Werber, and William Woodward.
