
'Science Training Help in Industry,' Executive Claims

President of Local Company Holds That "Aimless Drifting" Hampers Graduate

"The liberal arts course in college does not necessarily make a man employable in industry," it was stated yesterday by Bradley Dewey '07, President of the Dewey and Almy Chemical Company, one of Cambridge's largest concerns.

Dewey has reached this conclusion after interviewing a number of college graduates who, after a ten minute conversation, "showed that they were not as employable as they had been four years before. Their natural enthusiasm as well as their confidence in themselves had been quenched by aimless drifting through a senseless college curriculum."

"I insist," he continued, "that if a student is, at the end of a college education, to seek employment in industry, his education should have been a help, not a hinderance, towards obtaining a chance to show his ability. The only way to insure this is to take basic courses in the sciences and in economics. More advanced training in these fields is advisable if possible."

He emphasized the fact that this applied not only to those who intended to become engineers, and would naturally receive scientific training anyway, but more especially to those planning to "go into business."
