
Colonel Apted Plans to Resign As College Police Chief Shortly

33 Year Service Here Praised by Many Alumni, Friends; Date Of Retirement Uncertain

Climaxing the testimonial dinner held in his honor and attended by nearly 1,000 friends from among the alumni, students, and employes of the University, Colonel Charles R. Apted last night announced his imminent resignation from the post of chief of the Yard police.

The Colonel gave no definite date for the closing of his 33 year connection with the University, as in a voice that was little above a whisper, he thanked his admirers for their tributes and admitted that he was soon to leave his 24-hour-a-day job.

"Near Future"

"There comes a time," he stated, "when all of us like to take life a little easier. Therefore, plans have been completed that I shall step down from my position sometime in the near future."

Colonel Apted's speech, which he described as "my first, although I've done a lot of talking," followed an evening dedicated by his friends to an appreciation of his loyalty to Harvard and to Harvard men.


Distinguished Greetings

Two governors, a United States senator, three Harvard deans, two Harvard presidents, and two judges joined in congratulating the 67-year-old "lord high executioner" of the University, to say nothing of a host of his acquaintances among the residents of Cambridge and among the alumni of Harvard, several of whom admitted with a chuckle that they had at one time or another had cause to meet the Colonel at some crisis in their college career.

Governor Saltonstall sent his best wishes and called attention to the Colonel's tolerance and trustworthiness. Ex-Governor Hurley was present, and extolled his loyalty to the University, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge sent a message of praise. Joseph Kennedy, Ambassador to England, wired a message wishing good luck.

President Conant, through his emissary, Dean Chase, expressed his appreciation of the contributions of the greying little man. Dean Hanford and Dean Landis told what their associations with the Colonel had meant to them. President Lowell sent a letter regretting that he was unable to attend.

Among the guests at the banquet were Charles Fay '69, the oldest living graduate of the University; Jerome D. Greene '96, secretary to the Corporation; John W. Lowes, financial vice-president of the University; and Aldrich Durant, business manager.

Entertainment during the evening included the Glee Club and the University Band, both of which offered as selections favorites of the Colonel and his wife.

At the annual meeting of the CRIMSON last night Colonel Apted was breveted a full general, the first officer of that rank in the history of the University.
