

Free-Style Events Win Day for Harvard As Backstroke Art Bosworth Is Kept Out by Cold

Hal Ulen's Varsity mermen stretched out their undefeated string one more notch on Saturday night at the expense of Springfield College, 41 to 34. The invading Crimson squad was weakened by the loss of dorsal ace Art Bosworth, but carried far too many guns in the free-style events for the Gymnasts.

A cold prevented Bosworth from taking the trip to Springfield, and his absence probably cost Harvard the medley. But with Eric Cutler leading the way with a pair of firsts over Springfield's Captain Harry Rawstrom in the 220 and 440, the powerful Ulenmen were able to clinch the meet in the 440 with Cutler's first in 4.53.5 and Frannie Powers' third in 5.05.

Powers finished second behind Cutler in the 220, and shunted Rawstrom off to a third in a 2.14.8 race. Lounie Stowell and Jim Curwen monopolized honors in the sprints, each taking a first and a second in the 60 and 100. George Dana took a first in the dive with an 89.3 rating, and Chet Sagenkahn copped a third.

As expected, the Gymnasts won the breastroke with Archie Pincombe, but Waldron and Wilcox got a second and third respectively. Springfield took the backstroke and also annexed the free relay from a fairly weak Crimson combine. The Yardlings defeated the Mountclair Y.M.C.A., 35 to 31 in the Indoor Athletic Building Saturday afternoon.
