"I hate my tassels, but the boys love them, so I let them have it," observed Sally Keith, tassel dancer appearing at present in Boston. Miss Keith centers most of the appeal of her "art" on four tassels, strategically located and rotating in contrasting directions.
"I was inspired to originate the tassel dance by the tassel of a window shade that I was watching one day. I resolved to put life into that stagnant thing," she says, and she does.
Her words of comment on Harvard men are, "I can't call Harvard men gentlemen, because I haven't met all of them, but I will say that they make a good audience. They never ignore an act, like so many of the boys from the other colleges who are trying to emulate Harvard indifference."
Miss Keith claims that she cau "spot" a Harvard man from afar, because he is clean-cut and appears to have much practical intelligence. "Harvardiaus know a good thing when they see it, and I do try to let them see it.
"I prefer Law and Business School students to the undergraduates, because they have, oh, so much more experience. And I don't like undergraduates in tweeds and fiannels, smoking a pipe."
At heart an outdoor girl, Miss Keith said, "I would like to come down to the Indoor Athletic Building some afternoon this week for a good, satisfying workout." She also plans to attend one of Professor Merriman's History I lectures.
"Harvard men aren't all gentlemen," she continued, "but I must say for them that they can drink mere with less unconsciousness than any of the boys from the other schools. Another feature of Boston which I like is the Blue Laws, because a performer here can at least be sure of when she is going to bed. In New York it's a lot different, and much more fatiguing."
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