
Freshmen Vote Down Election of Officers

New By-Laws Provide for Election of Panel of Ten Supplemented By Appointed Members; Chairmen Will Be Chosen by Student Council Representatives

The Freshman class yesterday voted 412 to 117 against holding elections for class officers.

Meeting after the results of the referendum were tabulated, the Student Council last night incorporated into its by-laws a comprehensive new "constitution" for the organization of Freshman activities. The salient feature of the new system is the choosing of the Smoker and Jubilee committees partly by election and partly by appointment.

Thus although elected class officers have presumably made a permanent exit from the Yard, Freshmen will be called to the polls again within two weeks to elect a panel of ten men, who will serve as the nucleus of the Smoker and Jubilee Committees.

Chairman Appointed

When these ten men have been elected, according to the new plan the Student Council Representatives on Freshman affairs "shall then be empowered to assign the elected members to the two Committees, to appoint the remaining members of each Committee, and to select a Chairman of each Committee from the complete membership."


In addition, the Chairman of each Committee "shall be empowered to appoint three additional members if he so desires."

A Yardling may get his name on the ballot for Jubilee and Smoker posts by any of the three following methods.

(1) He may announce his candidacy at a "meeting . . . called to obtain the names and records of previous experience of all Freshmen interested in serving on the Smoker or Jubilee Committees." This meeting will be held on Monday night at 7:15 o'clock in the lower common room of the Union.

(2) He may be named by the Union Committee.

(3) He may be nominated by a petition signed by 25 of his classmates.

Other provisions of the new "constitution" codify existing practices with regard to the financial organization of Freshman activities, and the choosing of a Red Book board. The Student Council Representatives, as at present, will pick a Red Book Chairman each fall, and he will in turn, subject to their approval, select a business manager. These two men will then fill other positions on the board by holding competitions.

The Council also appointed a committee, consisting of Theodore Hazlett, '40, William C. Coleman '40, and Robert A. James '41, to report on Album Committee elections.
