
The Moviegoer

At the University

Anyone recuperating from a three-hour blow-off in Abnormal Psychology or Relational Logic might normally expect to find solace for his woes by staggering into the University Theatre and letting his mind go blank for a couple of hours. But not so with the current show. Any exam as involved as "Another Thin Man" would be run out of college by the Dean's Office. Sinister characters wander across the screen throwing knives and shooting each other in bewildering confusion. Of course, by the end of the picture, the whole plot is very simple,--to William Powell. But script-writers, playing their merry game of hide-and-seek-the-murderer with the audience, seem to have overstepped the bounds of sportsmanship and produce plots to confound even the mightiest mental power-house.

But let the plot go as it will, Thin Man Powell still has his arched eyebrows and highball glass. Thin Girl Loy her wardrobe, and Asta his hydrant. Those elements which made the first "Thin Man" such a smash are still there, an overtone of top-notch fare tripping lightly over the blood and gore. Hence "Another Thin Man" is enjoyable entertainment, even if a bit mentally exhausting.
