
Nominations for Album and Senior Officers Made; Freshmen to Decide on Class Officers Tomorrow


Nominations for the Senior Class offices of First, Second, and Third Marshals, Treasurer, Chorister, Poet, Odist, and Orator, and for the Junior Album Committee, were made public last night in preparation for the elections scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27 and 28.

Further nominations, by petition, will be accepted until 5 o'clock Friday, if they are signed by 25 classmates of the nominee. Senior nominations will be received by Seth Crocker '41 in Eliot K-41 and those for the Junior Album Committee by Bill Coleman '40 in Senior House. Crocker and Coleman are chairmen of the Student Council committees in charge of the elections.

Second Elections in March

At the first election the Class Constitution will also be voted on by the Class of 1940, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 12 and 13, a second group of Senior Class officers (Secretary, Class Day Committee, and Permanent Class Committee) will be chosen. Nominations for this group will be published a week from Monday with additional nominations by petition allowed up to two weeks from this Friday.

The Senior Nominating Committee is headed by Edward C. K. Read, with Arthur Cantor, John E. Crane, Paul Olum, Ernest J. Sargeant, B. Sheffield West, and H. Holton Wood, all Seniors, assisting him. For the Juniors Roger S. Schafer '41 has on his committee John M. London and Francis M. Simpson, Jr., both Juniors.




Henry A. Burgess

Blair Clark

William C. Coleman, Jr.

Eric Cutler

William H. Daughaday

Mason Fernald

Langdon B. Gilkey

Thomas V. Healey

Ward M. Hussey

James D. Lightbody, Jr.

Torbert H. Macdonald

Phil C. Neal

John S. Stillman


David S. Burt

Bayard S. Clark

John L. Donnell

Leonard C. Holvik

A. Jan P. La Rue

Charles D. Lutz, Jr.

Howard P. Mendel

James A. Rousmaniere


James M. Banghart

Calvin H. Elliott, Jr.

Frederick Holdsworth, Jr.

Douglas Mercer

Peter E. Pratt


Paul W. Cherington

Tudor Gardiner

Enno R. Hobbing

Paul Olum


Garfield H. Horn

John H. Huntington

John W. Sever

David R. Simboli


Elliot Forbes

Vinton Freedley, Jr.

Edward C. K. Read

Hal. C. Thompson

Album Committee

Wiley F. Barker

W. Russell Bowie, Jr.

John F. Brooks

Robert H. Cox, 2nd

Seth C. Crocker

Hubert P. Earle

Julian C. Eisenstein

Dan E. Flickinger

Max D. Gaebler

Aldridge E. Hunt

David O. Ives

John M. London

John B. McCann

Thomas F. McGann, Jr

Eugene H. Nickerson

D. Donald Peddie

Eliot L. Richardson
