As part of a broad Lenten program which it is conducting for the first time this year, the St. Paul's Catholic Club will sponsor a talk by the Reverend Francis I. Keean, D.D. at 8 o'clock tonight in the Winthrop House Common Room, on "Christian Marriage."
Next week at the same time in the Kirkland House Common Room, the Reverend Bernard W. Dempsey, S.J., of St. Louis University, will talk on "The Church and the Workingman." On Monday, March 4, the Reverend Francis J. Greene, chapian of the Club, will discuss "The Church and the Student," in the Winthrop House Common Room. The Reverend Michael J. Ahern, S.J., of Weston College, will talk the following week on "The Church and War."
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Pridi and Pibul