

Dr. Nelson, Official in Department of Health, to Reveal Notions, Facts of Gonorrhea, Syphilis

A capacity audience is expected by the Harvard Student Union tonight when it sponsors a talk on "Syphilis and Gonorhea; Notions and Facts" by Dr. Nels A. Nelson, director of the Division of Genito-Infectious Diseases of the State Department of Public Health, at 8 o'clock in Emerson D.

In his speech Dr. Nelson intends to point out popular fallacies concerning the incidence, manner of transmission and infectiousness of syphilis and gonorrhea. He will also touch upon legislative attempts to check the ravages of venereal disease.

Actively interested in various fields of public health for many years, Dr. Nelson was once called by Surgeon-General Thomas Parran of the U. S. Public Health Service "one of the great authorities in the country" on venereal diseases.

Dr. Nelson dealt in New Jersey with the chemistry involved in preserving a fresh water supply; did tuberculosis work in Cincinnati and in Brooklyn; and headed efforts in Sielly during the last war to prevent tuberculosis. He has served with the Division of Geuito-Infections Diseases of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the past 12 years.
