
Kennedy, Jr. Will Go to Democratic Nominating Rally

Is Pledged to Cast Vote for Farley Unless F.D.R. Ventures On a Third Term

Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. '38, 1L, son of the Ambassador to Great Britain, will attend the Democratic national convention as a delegate from Massachusetts and has pledged his vote to Postmaster General James A. Farley for president.

"Of course I am uncertain whether or not President Roosevelt will run," Kennedy stated, "but if he does, my vote will go for a third term. Other wise," he added, "I am strongly in favor of nominating Postmaster General Farley." Delegates will be released from their pledges in case President Roosevelt announces his candidacy, it was agreed.

Large Delegation

In order to satisfy the demand for places on the Farley slate, an unusually large number of delegates from Massachusetts will attend the convention, according to William H. Burke, Jr., Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. Some 72 delegates, four from each of the fifteen congressional districts, In addition to twelve delegates-at-large, will represent Massachusetts at the convention.

Kennedy will be one of four delegates from the Ninth Congressional district.
