Cropping up again as it has annually for the past four years, the moot question of "election or appointment" of officers to run the Freshman class will be resolved once and for all by Yardling ballot on February 20, during lunch and supper in the Union.
This referendum, unlike last year's, will be binding for future Freshman classes. If the outcome favors having officers appointed by the Union committee and Student Council representatives, passages in the by-laws of the Council will be altered to fit the new decision, and will remain that way in future years.
Election Provided For
As it now stands, the constitution states that there must be a primary Freshman election on the fourth Tuesday in March, and the run-off on the fourth Thursday in March.
Offices which are to be filled are those of President of the Class. Vice-President Secretary, and Treasurer. If elected, the President and his assistants will choose the heads of the Jubilee, monster Yardling dance in the spring, and of the Smoker, annual free stag party for first-year men, at which notables of the stage and sporting worlds entertain in Memorial Hall.
Alternative is Appointment
The other alternative is that the Union Committee, in conjunction with Kendric N. Marshall '21, Secretary of the Union; and Langden P. Marvin '41, and Harvey C. Taylor, Jr. '42, Student Council Freshman advisers, shall directly appoint those heads and their committees.
The question on the ballot will probably be worded in the same vein as last year's; "Do you want an election of class officers?", and it may again require a signature.
Primary sounding in the Freshman Class indicates that opinions are greatly varied, and there have recently been heated discussions in the Yard covering every conceivable angle.
Peter B. Saltonstall '43, one of the leaders of Freshman opinion, is vehemently in favor of electing class officers. "Why should somebody else pick people to run our parties?" he said. "We know whom we want and election is the most democratic way to get the right man in."
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Pridi and Pibul