
Mermen Beat Columbia 48-57; Crimson Matmen Whip Tigers

Princeton Drops First Bout Here In 7 Years; Acherman Named Captain of '43

In a brilliant, one-sided victory, merely indicated by a score of 22 to 6, the Crimson grapplers flattened the Princeton wrestling team at Princeton Saturday. It was the first time in seven years that the Tigers have fallen victim to the Harvard outfit.

The same afternoon, a Freshman squad was defeated 28 to 8 in a match with Andover Academy. After this meet, the Yardlings elected Leopold Archerman 2nd of New York City as their captain. The two victories were won by Knox in the 155 pound class and Rogatad at unlimited. The latter won by a fall.

Two Defeats Close

For the Varsity the only two defeats at the hands of the Tigers were Jim Redmon's match against Bob Eberle and Ray Stone's fight with Captain Dick Harding of the Tigers. Eberle was able to win a decision over Redmon only after a hard fight in which Redmon handicapped by an injured shoulder.

The closest match of the afternoon, though, was a surprise. It was between the Bengal captain and Ray Stone at 136. Harding was heavily favored, but Stone forced him into an overtime. He was finally overpowered only by Hardings greater knowledge.


None of the Crimson victors was confronted with special difficulty, with the possible exception of Dick Thomas at 155, who was ridden by his opponent for several minutes. Ted Schoneberg and Tudor Gardiner came through with brilliant pins, and Captain Bill Daughaday, Bruce Richardson, and Dunean Longcope all nearly pinned their men.
