To the Editor:
It seems to many of us that there has not been enough discussion for those in the "gray" group as regards the position of America in the present war. The extremists have poisoned our food, so to speak, and we sit in frank fear at the feast of death they have to offer.
If the United States goes to war, we are with her. This is not to say that we would go with song on our lips. But we would scarcely lay down our obligation to what gives us life.
The peace at any price faction offers us death of the spirit, and the march in at any cost offers us death of the mind.
We still think, despite many reversals of field, that saving democracy in Europe is pretty much the bunk. We are suspicious of this premature child internationalism. Nor are we sure that the trouble with the world is its abandonment of Christianity.
Great Britain is in simple terms fighting for her life, and fighting bravely. But we too are fighting for our life. Is this threat from Europe any more dangerous than the assumption that upon the consequences of a war in Europe we can accomplish anything by setting up the machinery of democracy? And on a continent that has shown anything but passionate love for such machinery?
Would it not be better for us to play the game more sanely, and first for the United States?
Let us be selfish. Let us create our selfish policy, and stick to it stubbornly. Only so and in no other way can we case turmoil and trouble here at home. Thomas Lacey, 2nd '41.
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