
Castle Appointed New Biological Labs Head

Edward S. Castle '25, associate professor of Physiology and tutor in Biology, has been appointed Director of the Biological Laboratories of Harvard University, effective as of September 1, 1940, succeeding Professor Alden B. Dawson, the University announced today. Professor Castle has been on the teaching staff since 1926.

Frans Verdoorn, formerly of Leiden, Holland, well known hepatieologist who has been editor and publisher of the Review of Bryology and Chronica Botanica, has been appointed Honorary Research Associate in Bryology at the Farlow Herbarium.

Two other appointments at the Farlow Herbarium were announced. Roy M. Whelden, of Cambridge, an authority on desmids and algae, was named Honorary Research Associate in Algology.

Edgar v. Sealer, Jr. '32 of Cambridge, Mass., who will continue his studies on the Neetriales, a group of fungi of considerable importance in plant pathology, was named Honorary Research Associate in Mycology.
