In France and Germany these days they are trying to receive the family with laws and slogans. "Travail, Famille, Patrie!" cries Marshal Petain. "Kinder, Kirche, Kuchen!" goes for the German hausfrau. Family sense has always been important in these countries, and they usually fall back upon it in a time of crisis, when it gives them strength.
America follows suit once a year. Christmas is our slogan, and it does pretty well. You see stories in the newspapers about the heavy traffic on the highways and railroads--people leaving the city to go home, others coming in from faraway places. Today and tomorrow comes Harvard's mass migration.
Saturday might the Square will know an unaccustomed quiet. No students will be tying up the traffic, or pouring down the subway steps on their way to Boston. The Sidewalk Superintendents' Club will suspend its frequent meetings. Call cards and books will ease up their frenzied shuttling across the Widener delivery desk. Harvard won't really be in Cambridge any more, but will be scattered all over the country. In a crisis, it's a refreshing thing to do.
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