
Radcliffe Is Forming Its Own Social Service Group As Community Work Gains Speed

PBH to Publish Report on Effect Of Work on Juvenile Delinqency

Community service work around Cambridge and Boston is becoming increasingly active under the supervision of Harvard and Radcliffe.

Radcliffe's energies are taking on such proportions as to warrant forming a Social Service Committee there on a large scale. Meanwhile Harvard's Phillips Brooks House is to publish a report including comparative graphs of social service work being done by various colleges, and an article on the effect of P. B. H. work on juvenile delinquency in Boston.

P. B. H. is also conducting an intensive drive among Boston alumni to finance an expanded program of charitable work. Seth T. Gano '07 is chairman of the committee of nineteen graduates sponsoring the campaign.

At Radcliffe, organization is progressing rapidly. Wilhemina Park '41, president of Radcliffe's Student Council, has named a committee under Elizabeth Merrick '41 to investigate student opinion on the social service committee plan.

Student cooperation seems assured, with ninety volunteers having expressed their enthusiasm. Radcliffe's N. Y. A. workers, in addition, are already employed with social service agencies.


The new committee under Miss Parker of the Radcliffe Appointment Bureau will also develop a plan of organization. If undergraduate interest is evident, active work on the general plan of the P. B. H. will begin after three weeks.

Phillips Brooks House has already aided in forming the independent committee at Radcliffe. Last spring langdon B. Gilkey '40 and Harry Newman '42 introduces the idea to Dean Sherman of Radcliffe and Miss Parker, and last week Newman sent a hundred copies of an illustrated P. B. H. booklet with information for volunteers to aid the committee.

On the Harvard scene, the latest P. B. H. activity is a "report to end all reports." This is the first publication of its kind at Harvard since Robert Benchley '12 put out a (serious) report in 1910. The current report, in addition to the comparative graphs and juvenile delinquency article, describes P. B. H. facilities and financial organization, and has pictures of 37 agencies with which P. B. H. is connected.
