
Hicks Will Speak In Union Tonight

Granville Hicks, noted leftist author and literary critic, will speak to the American Civilization Group tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Freshman Union on "The present crisis and the American literary mind."

Hicks, who spoke last year on leftist literature for the American Civilization group, drawing a crowd of more than 200 people, is the author of "The Great Tradition" and "I Like America". He was formerly counselor of American History at Adams House, and literary editor of the "New Masses" magazine.

The talk will be devoted partly to a political and partly to a literary discussion of world affairs and their influence on American thinking. Among others, Hicks will discuss Archibald Macleish, Ernest Hemingway, John Strachey, and Ralph Bates, and the effect that international events has had on their poetry.

Dumas Malone, director of the Harvard University pross, will deliver a preliminary address and will introduce Mr. Hicks to the audience.
