"The Long Voyage Home" is this department's candidate for the best picture of the year. Cute plots, snappy lines, and plenty of scotch-and-sodas are okay in their place; but when it comes down to producing a show that means something, that packs a punch, Hollywood must go back to its source material, life itself, and reproduce it faithfully. Masters of reality are Playwright Eugene O'Neil and Director John Ford of "The Informer." Together they have created a film of the voyage of a tramp steamer from the West Indies to England, a film which, in all sincerity, is a work of art, as photography, as directing, as acting, as literature.
"Too Many Girls" is a farce to end all farces. Drama may be the willing suspension of disbelief, but "Too Many Girls" asks you to suspend your sanity, too. But, aside from the plot, there is music, and songs, and sex a-plenty with a vagnely utopian college background. There is also a takeoff on a Harvard man which is too alarmingly accurate to be even slightly amusing.
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